Saturday, August 26, 2006

my Chronicles from the Sprawl (6/n) - Marcel Duchamp @ Philadelphia Museum of Art (revisited)



see also:

Satellite photo:,-75.180586&spn=0.001022,0.003369

[ In July to October, 2006, I plan a series of posts celebrating the 20th anniversary of the William Gibson "Sprawl Trilogy". This is one of such posts. To find the other posts just search for the link near the upper right corner of any page of this blog. Click HERE for more details ]

my Chronicles from the Sprawl (5/n) - Grover's Mill Pond, NJ



Satellite photo:,-74.60563&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1&z=19&ll=40.312624,-74.605633&spn=0.001016,0.003369

my Chronicles from the Sprawl (4/n) - Masonic Boston


satellite photo:,-79.3&ie=UTF8&om=1&t=k&z=19&ll=42.357484,-71.061837&spn=0.000985,0.003369&iwloc=A

my Chronicles from the Sprawl (3/n) - Postcards from THE falls



Satellite photo:,-79.3&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1&z=15&ll=43.081302,-79.070663&spn=0.015578,0.053902

my Chronicles from the Sprawl (2/n) - The North

Toronto (Canada) - The farthest north point in my journey.

Picture: Downtown Toronto with the CN Tower - the World’s tallest building [ ]


satellite photo:,-79.3&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1&z=18&ll=43.641825,-79.387314&spn=0.001929,0.006738

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

my Chronicles from the Sprawl (1/n) - Have car, will travel

Have car, will travel


The house was not included :-(

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Kandinsky & Dali



His offices were located in a warehouse behind Ninsei, part of which seemed to have been sparsely decorated, years before, with a random collection of European furniture, as though Deane had once intended to use the place as his home. Neo-Aztec bookcases gathered dust against one wall of the room where Case waited. A pair of bulbous Disney-styled table lamps perched awkwardly on a low Kandinsky-look coffee table in scarlet-lacquered steel. A Dali clock hung on the wall between the bookcases, its distorted face sagging to the bare concrete floor. Its hands were holograms that altered to match the convolutions of the face as they rotated, but it never told the correct time. The room was stacked with white fiberglass shipping modules that gave off the tang of preserved ginger. "You seem to be clean, old son," said Deane's disembodied voice. "Do come in."

William Gibson, "Neuromancer", 1984

[ In July to October, 2006, I plan a series of posts celebrating the 20th anniversary of the William Gibson "Sprawl Trilogy". This is one of such posts. To find the other posts just search for the link near the upper right corner of any page of this blog. Click HERE for more details ]