Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Twenty Years After, at the observation room (part 9 of n)



The "observation room" is the closest point we could approach the reactor 4 (the one that exploded in 1986) if we are not doing something important that needs a closer visit.

I would probably not consider going further without protecting my face, shave and using a mask in my mouth to filter the air before breading. But the observation room is closed and regularly sweep to give us some extra protection from dust. Also the wall would stop same (most?) beta radiation and hopefully some gamma too.

We were not allowed to take pictures of the reactor from there probably because we could spot security measures against an anauthorized access.

It was possible to take picture in the observation room of the room itself, but not of the reactor from the room.

Photo 1. In the wall, flags of countries (and organizations) that are helping the Chernobyl clean-up (they are also learning how to deal with a similar problem... or with a dirty-bomb attack).

Photo 2: Projected arch (container) to seal all the reactor 4. (the actual structure is crumbling).

Those 2 photos were taken inside the "observation room" at the point:


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